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+ LeasePlan

LeasePlan optimizes its business operations with EDI communication, ensuring efficient data exchange and enhanced collaboration with partners.

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© iStockphoto/Scharfsinn86

EDI Communication for LeasePlan

Together with their longterm business partner IBM, LeasePlan Hungária und LeasePlan Slovakia decided on the opimization of their business processes to meet the future challenges of the Central and Eastern European market. Main focus of the projects is the fully integrated processing of invoices (INVOIC), despatch advices (DESADV) and remittance advices (REMADV) as well as processing confirmations. One of the most important requirements was the fast and seamless connection of IBM.

The challenge

The direct and seamless connection of IBM was one of the most important requirements in this project. Thanks to the use of EDITEL products and the connection to eXite® it could be met to the fullest. The specialists from EDITEL supported us with great expertise and know-how. Gyula Brájer, Head of IT.

The solution

Thanks to the implementation of the eXite® Business Integration Network it is now possible to send paperless invoice- and delivery data directly into the ERP-system of LeasePlan Hungária und LeasePlan Slovakia where it is processed automatically. The EDI-solution guarantees highest security standards regarding data quality and security of the data communication.

The outcome

The electronic support of business processes via eXite® not only ensure the easy connection of IBM and further business partners. LeasePlan benefits also from a significant increase of efficiency thanks to the elimination of paper in the invoicing process. LeasePlan therefore plans to increase the number of connected business partners and to further support the process optimization.

In Brief

  • Direct connection between eXite® and IBM
  • Seamless integration into the ERP-System
  • Efficiency increase & cost reduction within all processes
  • High data quality & automated processing of the entire invoicing process
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