Data exchange is in very good hands with the EDI platform eXite® by EDITEL. It allows us to reach all our clients via a single connection, which reduces complexity and ensures that the hundreds of thousands of orders we receive every year are processed smoothly. Wilhelm Leithner, Managing Director.
Optimized logistics services with eXite®
To exchange electronic logistics information with business partners and clients, TKL relies on the EDI platform eXite®. Every year, the temperature-controlled logistics provider exchanges four million EDI transactions including orders (ORDERS), despatch advices (DESADV), invoices (INVOIC) and inventory reports (INVRPT) with manufacturers, retailers and other service providers. Thanks to eXite®, all TKL needs is a single connection.
Planning services via EDI
In addition, TKL offers planning services to its manufacturers. Depending on the client, TKL will either take care of all planning processes or will provide the manufacturer with electronic data relevant for restocking. All manufacturers can use TKL’s logistics platform KUNDIS to get updated inventory information for their products, along with projected reach and restocking volumes. Typically, TKL will take care both of storage and shipping. For best results, shipping capacities are optimized from pickup at the manufacturer’s to delivery at the central storage facility. eXite® is used for order processing.