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+ Hi-Lex

HI-LEX, a top automotive manufacturer, improved supply chain efficiency with EDITEL's EDI solutions. By automating data exchange, HI-LEX streamlined operations and enhanced communication with business partners.

Transparent 3D car model with illuminated parts, showcasing internal components and structure
© iStockphoto/1971yes

A customized Web EDI solution from EDITEL makes orders easier to track

Hi-Lex, an automotive supplier, works with approximately 60 different suppliers at its Hungarian manufacturing plant. With many of these suppliers, Hi-Lex has long-term agreements for recurring delivery volumes and the same product, while other suppliers receive only one-off orders. In an effort to keep a good overview and to quickly and easily identify delivery volumes for specific suppliers, Hi-Lex wanted to find a transparent and controllable option for its supply chain.

Customized Web EDI solution for Hi-Lex

To achieve just that, EDITEL has developed a customized Web EDI solution which makes it possible, among many other things, to differentiate between long-term suppliers and one-off orders, relying on specific message types. This makes orders easier to track and it also allows the company to handle long-term and one-off suppliers differently, e.g. when it comes to payment terms and contractual specifications.


  • Introduced a transparent tool to control supply chain processes
  • Developed a customized Web EDI solution
  • Implemented message formats: Delivery schedule messages (DELFOR), Orders (ORDERS), Purchase order responses (ORDRSP), Despatch advices (DESADV)
  • Makes orders easier to track
  • Allows the user to handle long-term and one-off suppliers differently
  • Makes financial planning more efficient
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