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Czech Republic

General information

The Czech Republic embarked on the journey to e-invoicing in 2016 by incorporating EU Directive 2014/55/EU into national legislation. The obligation to accept e-invoices applies to public procurement (B2G) conducted through the Národní elektronický nástroj (NEN) platform. In B2B transactions, e-invoicing requires the recipient's consent. Invoices can be issued in the national ISDOC format or other European standards, with the process encompassing automated validation, processing, and archiving for a period of 10 years.

An electronic signature is not mandatory, and the government currently has no plans to make e-invoicing compulsory for B2B transactions.

The e-invoicing process in the Czech Republic:

  • Invoice creation: Vendors generate electronic invoices in compatible formats, such as ISDOC or other standard European formats.
  • Submission: Invoices are submitted via the Národní elektronický nástroj (NEN) platform, which is mandatory for all contracting authorities.
  • Validation: The NEN platform verifies submitted invoices to ensure compliance with legal and technical requirements.
  • Processing: Public contracting authorities handle electronic invoices using automated or semi-automated systems. While all public authorities must receive e-invoices for B2G transactions, B2B transactions require the buyer's consent.
  • Archiving: E-invoices must be stored for ten years to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


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